We are an evangelical, indigenous, autonomous local Church with a "Brethren Movement" heritage, practising New Testament principles of Church gathering.

We are not part of a denominational organisation and hence are not bound to any denominational constitution and are not externally controlled by a denominational hierarchy.

We have, responsible for the Church, an Oversight, consisting of a number of mature and spiritual men from the Church, called elders. They are appointed by the Holy Spirit and are so recognised by the Church. They feed the flock and take the oversight thereof, collectively (Ac.20:28; lPe.5:l-3).

We do not have a salaried one-man pastoral system, though there may be those who have come out to serve the Lord full time and are dependent solely on Him for their support.

We also have deacons who have responsible roles helping in the business and spiritual affairs of Church activities (Ac.6:3; lTm.3:S-13).

Reflecting the Church truth that all believers are baptised into one Body, we recognise that each member, as part of that one Body, is bestowed with one or more functional spiritual gifts to minister to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God, and we seek to encourage the exercise of such gifts among members for the well-being of the Church. (l Co.12:12-13; lPe.4:10-1l; lCo.12:6; Ep.4:7)

Recognising the priesthood of believers to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ, we do not have a class of specially ordained clergy to officiate in Church services and worship, while the others remain the silent, listening laity. Our meetings for worship allow opportunity for believers to lead in worship and exercise their gifts for edification and exhortation and comfort under the leading of the Holy Spirit. (lPe.2:5; He.13:15; Ep5:19; lCo. 14:26)

Obeying the Lord's Commission to make disciples (Mt28: 19-20), we:
1. evangelise
2. baptise, by immersion, those convened
3. bring them into the Church fellowship

We meet regularly for the Lord's Supper, which He instituted on the Lord's day, as was the custom of the early disciples and in obedience to the Lord's command "this do in remembrance of Me". (Lk.22:19-20; Ac.20:7; l Co. 11:23-25).

What We Believe
That the Holy Scriptures is divinely inspired and is the sufficient and supreme authority for our faith and conduct (2Tm.3:15-17; lPe.1:10-12; 2Pe.l:20-2l)
That God exists externally as One in three Persons, namely the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit to whom equal honour is due (Dt.6:4; On. 12,26; Ph.2:6; In. I: 1,2;5: 17,22-23; 14:25-26;16:7,2728)

That the Lord Jesus Christ is God manifest in the flesh. He was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary (Mt. 1:20-25; Lk I :35).

He was without sin and His death was a sacrifice to God and a propitiation for the remission of sins (Rm.4:25; 2Co.5:21)

He was raised from the dead (Mt.28:5-7; lCo.15:20)

He ascended to the right hand of the Father and is now the all-sufficient High Priest of His people. (Acts l:9; He.4: 14-16)

He will personally come again to receive His people unto Himself and to set up His Kingdom. (Jn. 14:3; iTh.4: 13-18; Is.9:6-7)

That it is the Holy Spirit whose regenerating and sanctifying work enables the believer to live righteously and godly in this present world. (Jn.3:5-8;16:8-11; Ti.3:4-7)

That man by nature is alienated from God because of sin and is therefore under divine judgement and condemnation. (Ep.2: 1; Rm3: 19;5:6; 12-19) He can only be saved and justified before God through repentance and faith in Christ. (Lk.13:3: Ga2:16)

A justified believer is also born of God and indwelt by the Holy Spirit resulting in evident holiness of life, doing of God's will and manifestation of the fruit of the Spirit. (Jnl:12,13:3-s; Jn.14:17; Rm.8:9; Mt.7:21-23 Ga. 5:22-24)

He is also, at conversion, baptised in the Holy Spirit into the Body of Christ
- the Church. (lCo.12:l2-13)

That the dead will be raised either to fife or condemnation and that the blessedness of the righteous and the punishment of the unrighteous will be eternal. (lCo.155l-57 2Co.5:10; Re.20:1l-15)


Taken from "Who we are and what we believe" by Thomas Chin
50 Years: Burmah Road Gospel Hall